Monday, December 22, 2014
Special Mass Times for Christmas in Inland Empire
339 N Sycamore Ave
Rialto, CA 92509
There will also be a High Mass at St. James in Perris, CA at 1pm.
269 West 3rd Street, Perris, CA 92570
Its not to late to prepare for Christmas by listening to some great homilies of St Bernard for Advent and the Vigil of the Nativity of our Lord.
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Los Angeles: FSSP-LA: Recruiting for Altar Servers of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite
FSSP-LA is forming it's Altar Serving Program and we really need your help. We are calling all those who want to learn and benefit from service on the Altar, or simply wish to learn how to serve Mass. We are also calling for experienced men who could help. If you wish to join the Altar Serving Program for the FSSP-LA, please fill out the form below or send an email to me at
By January, I should be sending a regular schedule out. Now is the best time to join as we are forming and this is a great way to get active in the future FSSP parish.
Friday, December 5, 2014
Los Angeles: Masses for the Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of Guadalupe
The Masses next week will be as follows:
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church (Diocese of Orange County)
12:00 PM
1015 Baker St,
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
7:30 PM
LOW MASS with Fr Carcerano
2532 Ventura Blvd
Camarillo, CA 93010
(805) 484-0532
San Felipe Chapel:
7:00 PM
LOW MASS with Father Fryar, FSSP
After Mass, there will be a conference with Father Fryar on the Immaculate Conception
738 N Geraghty Ave
Los Angeles 90063
Our Lady of Guadalupe
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church (Diocese of Orange County)
7:00 PM
1015 Baker St,
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
San Felipe Chapel:
7:00 PM
(There will be NO 7 AM Mass!!)
HIGH MASS with Father Fryar, FSSP
After Mass, there will be a conference with Father Fryar on the Immaculate Conception
738 N Geraghty Ave
Los Angeles 90063
Extraordinary Pro-Life Event
Since space at the Center is limited and I hope to have handouts available for those who are less familiar with the traditional Latin Mass, please please please RSVP if you plan to attend. Fr. Fryar will be blessing the PCC after the Mass, and we will have refreshments afterwards.
God bless!
Christie, ordinary form Nurse Manager with extraordinary tastes
Pregnancy Counseling Center
10211 Sepulveda Blvd.
Mission Hills, Ca 91345
Fax (818) 895-2921
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Catholic Answers: The Extraordinary Form of the Mass
Radio Shows
- Wednesday, Jun 11, 2014 - 6pm ET
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Altar Serving Workshop - Saint Victor's Catholic Church
As many of you know, at the end of the month, November 30th, 2014, Fr. Fryar will begin a weekly Mass over at Saint Victor’s Catholic Church in West Hollywood @ 7PM. To prepare for this, we will be sponsoring an Altar Serving Workshop. I will be slightly changing my curriculum to go with the FSSP standards and will be explaining and implementing some of the changes at the workshop. Therefore, I would also recommend all existing servers and trainers to attend.
Date: Saturday, November 29th, 2014
Time: 10:00 AM, all day event
Place: Saint Victor’s Catholic Church
8634 Holloway Dr,
(310) 652-6477
A BBQ will be following the day’s event.
Suggested Donation: $10.00 (For Materials and BBQ.)
For students, please register using the following link:
For instructors, please contact me personally. or call/text 818-794-9461
Also we will need some volunteers to help with the BBQ. Please also email me regarding this matter.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
FSSP-LA: Sunday Mass & Potluck at Saint Victors
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Archdiocese of Los Angeles - Special Mass Times - Schedule for All Saints/ All Souls Weekend:
Holy Innocents Catholic Church
HIGH MASS with Fr. Michael U. Perea, O. Praem
Three Masses in the Morning with Father Michael U. Perea, O. Praem
Three Masses in the Evening with Father James Fryar, FSSP,
515 West Opp Street
* In the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, All Saints Day is not a Holy Day of Obligation because it falls on a Saturday, however it is still a day in which one can receive graces by attending some of these masses. In the words of a wise priest, it is a Holy Day of Opportunity.
**In the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, All Souls Day cannot land on a Sunday. It is therefore transfered to the following day. Sunday, November 2nd is the 21st Sunday after Pentecost. The next time this will happen will be the year 2025.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
All Souls Day - Solemn Requiem Mass in Holy Cross Cemetery.
Since the 2nd of November lands on a Sunday, in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, the day is transferred to the next day. One Monday Morning, November 3rd, a Solemn High Requiem Mass will be celebrated at Holy Cross Cemetery with Father Bishop as the Celebrant and Father Fryar, FSSP attending.
All Souls Day: Three Masses in the Evening at San Felipe
Holy Communion will only be offered at the first Mass. All are welcomed to attend! Please take advantage of the Masses that are being offered this year.
Monday, August 18, 2014
FSSP-LA: Daily Mass at San Felipe Chapel
News from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles:
Starting today, San Felipe Chapel will be having a daily Tridentine Mass, celebrated by Father James Frayer of the FSSP:
Monday through Saturday: 7:00 AM
San Felipe Chapel is located at
738 N. Geraghty Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90063
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Chant and Serving Workshop - Rialto, CA
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church
339 N Sycamore Ave
Rialto, CA 92376
When: Labor Day, Monday, September 1st, 2014 @ 10:00 AM
- Register for the class here, or send an email to Charles Coulombe at
- The donation may either be given at the door, or via Paypal.
Please also plan on bringing a lunch as this will be an all-day event.
Note: You may also make a direct donation to help with our costs and open additional workshops and events in the future by clicking on the link below.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
FSSP in Los Angeles & The table

The Table is where it happens:
- Mass times and locations
- Events
- Everything to do with parish life and the different associations and parish activities
- within our community
- Also, special announcements
- Communication with other members of our community and more!
This is the only official FSSP source in the Archdiocese. The FSSP-LA has opened two registrations::
Both registrations are free. We encourage all readers who interested in the Mass of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman rite to sign up as soon as possible. To sign up for the table. You can easily find The Table by clicking here:
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Help keep Church of the Holy Innocents (New York) open!
The parishioners of The Church of Holy Innocents are fighting to keep their parish opened.
This is one of the few places in New York that celebrates the Tridentine Mass regularly and on a daily basis.
Holy Innocents is a parish that financially supports itself and does not need to be closed nor does it warrant to be merged.
We pray that Cardinal Dolan, keeps our beloved parish opened. May God grant him good health and a long life.
Please everyone sign this petition. The Archbishop will reach a decision by September and they need 1000 more signatures. Please sign the petition by clicking on the ticket link above or by clicking the page below:
Petition Page:
Note Bene: Requests have been made, please Do Not negatively talk about Cardinal Dolan or the Archdiocese of New York. The mission is to save the Parish.
A facebook event page has also been created. Please go to:
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Solemn High Mass for the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul
Celebrated by newly ordained priest, Fr. David R. Gonzalez, O.Praem. On the occasion of the parish's patronal feastday. Devout assistance at a priest's First Mass grants a plenary indulgence.
515 West Opp Street
Wilmington, CA 90744
(310) 834-5215
SOLEMN HIGH MASS: June 29th @ 5:00 PM
Nota Bene: The Low Mass scheduled for the morning has not changed.
LOW MASS: June 29th @ 6:30 AM
Solemn High Mass of Fr. David R. Gonzalez, O.Praem.

Please join us in congratulating and praying for Norbertine, frater David Rafa Gonzalez (who will be ordained June 21st) in one of his first Solemn High Masses in Long Beach.
425 E. 20th St.
Long Beach CA 90806
(562) 591-6924
SOLEMN HIGH MASS: Ferial-Octave of the Visitation
SATURDAY, JULY 5TH, 2014 - 10 AM with Father David R. Gonzalez, O.Praem
Note Bene: Father Gonzalez was ordained today, June 21st, 2014 in the Mission Basilica of San Juan Capistrano. He will be transferring to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles where he will be working very closely with the Norbertines in Saint Peter and Paul and Holy Innocents.
Parking is very limited at the church site, however there is additional parking very near Holy Innocents. Mass attendees are asked to park at Sticklin-Snively Mortuary, who has graciously given permission to park in their ample parking lot which is easy walking distance from our church.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Announcement of Requiem Mass for Father Walker, FSSP
There will be a Requiem Mass this coming Wednesday, 25th of this month, at 7.30 P.M., at Holy Innocents Church for the soul of the late FATHER KENNETH WALKER, of the order, THE FRATERNITY OF SAINT PETER. All are invited to attend.
425 E. 20th St.
Long Beach CA 90806
(562) 591-6924
REQUIEM MASS - 7:30 PM, Wednesday, June 25th, 2014
Officiant: Father Michael Carcerano
The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter mourns the death of Rev. Kenneth Walker, FSSP, who was murdered on June 11, 2014 at the Rectory of Mater Misericordiae Parish in Phoenix, Arizona, where he served as assistant priest. He was dearly loved by the faithful he served and his confrères in the Fraternity. His first mass was celebrated at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in June of 2012.
Nota Bene: Parking is very limited at the church site, however there is additional parking very near Holy Innocents. Mass attendees are asked to park at Sticklin-Snively Mortuary, who has graciously given permission to park in their ample parking lot which is easy walking distance from our church.
Sticklin-Snively Mortuary
Event on Facebook: Click Here
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Pray For The Priests of Mater Misericordiae in Phoenix
Father Walker, First Mass, Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, June 2012 |
Fr. Joseph Terra was also injured in the assault; he is hospitalized and in critical but stable condition. We ask for your prayers for the health of Fr. Terra.
We ask for your prayers for the repose of the soul of Fr. Walker and that God might grant great consolation to his family and his parishioners in this terrible tragedy. Fr. Walker was ordained a priest in 2012, and was 28 years old.
O God, Who didst give to thy servant, Kenneth, by his sacerdotal office, a share in the priesthood of the Apostles, grant, we implore, that he may also be one of their company forever in Heaven. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Requiem Aeternam dona ei, Domine.
Et lux perpetua luceat ei.
Requiescat in pace.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Feast of Corpus Christi Mass and Procession
515 West Opp Street
Wilmington, CA 90744
(310) 834-5215
THURSDAY, JUNE 19TH, 2014 – 7:15 PM with Father Michael Carcerano
Traditionally, this event is open to the entire community. All priests and religious, altar servers and choir members are invited to participate.
As one priest said, "This is a Holy Day of Opportunity."
Friday, May 9, 2014
Ascension Thursday 2014 - May 29th, 2014
546 E. Florence Avenue
Inglewood, CA 90301
(310) 677-2736
Mass of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite:
Thursday, May 29th @ 7:30 PM
Officiant: Father Robert Bishop
Altar Servers and Choir are needed. If you would like to assist in any way, please contact the respected members below.
For Altar Servers please contact Charles Coulombe,
For Choir, please contact please contact Rene Widmann at
2532 Ventura Blvd
Camarillo, CA 93010
(805) 484-0532
Mass of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite:
Thursday, May 29th @ 7:00 PM
Officiant: Father Michael Carcerano
For more information and up to date mass times in this area, please also check out their blog at
We will post additional information if it becomes available.
A note about Ascension Thursday: In the Archdioceses of Los Angeles and most dioceses throughout the United States, Ascension Thursday has been transferred to the following Sunday. As a consequence, Catholics are no longer obliged to attend Mass that day. Although it is no longer a Holy Day of Obligation, everyone is nevertheless encouraged to attend for reasons of Spiritual Benefit and support of the Traditional Communities surrounding the Los Angeles area.
As one priest said, "This is a Holy Day of Opportunity."
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Saint Bridget Mass followed by Potluck
7:00 PM
Mass Resumes at Dominguez Seminary
Monday, May 5, 2014
Tridentine Latin Mass at USC
Thursday, April 10, 2014
1:30 PM
For all up-to-date Masses in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, please go to
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Tridentine Mass - Van Nuys, CA

Wednesday, April 2, 2014
New Liturgical Movement: Extraordinary Faith TV on EWTN - Debut Episode April 14
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Latin Mass of Los Angeles: Men for the Washing of the Feet on Holy Thursday
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Holy Week Schedule - Saint Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Although not a Holy Day of Obligation, participating in these last days before Easter are of spiritual benefit to the soul. Please join the Traditional Latin Mass Community of Saint Mary Magdalen:
Nota Bene! Palm Sunday Start Time Change due to Blessing and distribution of palms before Mass and the length of the chanted readings.
Sunday, April 13 @ 9:45 AM
Palm Sunday
Confessions Before Mass
Thursday, April 17th @ 7 PM
Maundy Thursday - Mass of the Lord's Supper
Saturday, April 19 @ 10:30 PM
The Easter Vigil
Sunday, April 20 @ 1:00 PM
Easter Sunday
St. Mary Magdalen Chapel is located at :
2532 Ventura Blvd.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
UVOC - Lenten Mission Pilgrimage - March 30!
Click for Map
Please see the attached flyer (2 pages) for complete details and more information:
Click Here Flyer Page 1
Click Here Flyer Page 2
Route Information
For more information contact Una Voce Orange County before the Pilgrimage at (562) 691-5246 or via e-mail, On the day of the Pilgrimage, call (714) 390-6188
Facebook event link
Google+ even link
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Friday, March 14, 2014
Holy Week Schedule (Inglewood)
This just came in. As additional details come in, I will post them. Holy week is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Although not a Holy Day of Obligation, participating in these last days before Easter are of spiritual benefit to the soul. I hope to see you all there.
Thursday, April 17th @ 5 PM
Maundy Thursday - Mass of the Lord's Supper
Officiant: Father Robert Bishop
Friday, April 18 @ 3:30 PM
Good Friday - Veneration of the Cross and Mass of the Presanctified
Officiant: Father Robert Bishop
St. John Chrysostom Church is located at :
546 East Florence

Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Lecture: Pope Benedict and the Extraordinary Form (Father Fr. James Fryar, FSSP)
A must see event: This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the FSSP and the Mass of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. The lecture will be given:
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, March 5th 2014 @ 5:30 PM
Facebook Event Link: Click Here

Home from the Liturgical Thirty Years War
Thomas Merton on Latin Chants
This is what I think about the Latin and the chant: They are masterpieces, which offer us an irreplaceable monastic and Christian experience. They have a force, an energy, a depth without equal. All the proposed English offices are very much impoverished in comparison–besides, it is not at all impossible to make such things understood and appreciated. Generally I succeed quite well in this, in the novitiate, with some exceptions, naturally, who did not understand well. But I must add something more serious. As you know, I have many friends in the world who are artists, poets, authors, editors, etc. Now they are well able to appreciate our chant and even our Latin. But they are all, without exception, scandalized and grieved when I tell them that probably this Office, this Mass will no longer be here in ten years. And that is the worst. The monks cannot understand this treasure they possess, and they throw it out to look for something else, when seculars, who for the most part are not even Christians, are able to love this incomparable art. -Thomas Merton
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Latin Mass Retreat at SJB in Costa Mesa (Feb 9, 2014)
Sunday, January 12, 2014
from: Understanding When To Kneel Sit And Stand
At A Traditional Latin Mass - A Short Essay On Mass Postures - by Richard Friend
A Catholic assisting
at a Traditional Latin Mass for the first time will most likely experience
bewilderment and confusion as to when to kneel, sit and stand, for the postures
that people observe at Traditional Latin Masses are so different from what he is
accustomed to. To understand what people should really be
doing at Mass is not always determinable from what people remember or from what
people are presently doing. What is needed is an understanding of the nature of
the liturgy itself, and then to act accordingly.
When I began assisting
at Traditional Latin Masses for the first time as an adult, I remember being
utterly confused with Mass postures. People followed one order of postures for
Low Mass, and a different one for Sung Mass. I recall my oldest son, then a
small boy, being thoroughly amused with the frequent changes in people’s
postures during Sung Mass, when we would go in rather short order from standing
for the entrance procession, kneeling for the preparatory prayers, standing for
the Gloria, sitting when the priest sat, rising again when he rose, sitting for
the epistle, gradual, alleluia, standing for the Gospel, sitting for the
epistle in English, rising for the Gospel in English, sitting for the sermon,
rising for the Credo, genuflecting together with the priest, sitting when the
priest sat while the choir sang the Credo, kneeling when the choir reached Et incarnatus est etc. (we should have been
bowing while seated), sitting again for the rest of the Credo, rising when the
priest rose, sitting for the offertory, etc. Not knowing any better, I simply
followed what other people were doing, and what other people were doing was
following the postures indicated in the Latin-English booklet missal published
by Coalition in Support of Ecclesia Dei (hereinafter the “red booklet”).
Over time I began to question the order of postures
that people followed, particularly the distinction made between Low Mass and
Sung Mass. It didn’t seem right. However, all the books, booklet missals,
videos and references that I could find all copied the postures of the red
booklet. I could not find any authoritative source to challenge the red booklet
postures until I read Fortescue/O’Connell/Reid’s The
Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described (fourteenth edition)
and J.B. O’Connell’s The
Celebration of Mass (fourth edition). Fortescue and O’Connell
are undoubtedly two of the greatest experts on the traditional Roman liturgy
the English-speaking world has ever known from the pre-conciliar era.
Fortescue first published his book in 1917. He
published a revised edition, the second edition, in 1919. Following Fortescue’s
early demise in 1923, O’Connell was asked to prepare a third edition of
Fortescue’s book, and over a span of thirty two years he revised it ten times.
O’Connell’s last revision (the thirteenth edition) of The Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described in
1962 remained untouched until Dr. Alcuin Reid OSB updated and revised it in
2003 (fourteenth edition) to bring it “into line with the specific requirements
of the liturgical books of 1962”[2] and then again in 2009 (fifteenth
edition) to update it in light of Pope Benedict XVI’s Summorum Pontificum. On his own, Reid is regarded as
the leading authority on the traditional Roman liturgy today.
O’Connell, on the
other hand, first published his own book in 1940, which he revised and updated
four times, the last of which was printed in 1964. O’Connell’s monumental book
is considered a must- have among priests, seminarians and servers wishing to
study the rubrics of the Traditional Latin Mass and how to serve it.
Fortescue, O’Connell and Reid present an order of
laity Mass postures that contrasts sharply with the postures indicated in the
red booklet.
In June 2009 I
assisted at a Solemn High Mass at St. Michael’s Abbey in Silverado, California
celebrated by The Very Reverend Dom Daniel Augustine Oppenheimer, CRNJ, prior
of the Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem, on the occasion of the seventh
anniversary of their order.[3]
When the sacred ministers arrived at the foot of the
altar and began the preparatory prayers, I distinctly recall Fr. Hughes Barbour,
O. Praem., who was sitting at the edge of the monastic choir pew closest to the
people, turn to face the congregation and motion for us to remain standing
while they continued chanting the Introit even as the sacred ministers had
arrived at the foot of the altar and begun the preparatory prayers. We
were somewhat confused but complied nonetheless. Later, when I assisted
at a Mass celebrated by Dom Daniel Augustine at the John Paul II Center in
Yorba Linda, I saw the same Mass postures I had observed previously at St.
Michael’s Abbey. Intrigued, I talked to Dom Daniel Augustine about this after
Mass, and his explanation deepened my resolve to enlighten my fellow Catholics
about Mass postures. This short essay is the fruit of that resolution.
Most people are unaware that there were no
officially-prescribed postures for the people for the 1962 Mass. However, there
was also no official rubric directing the faithful to receive Communion
kneeling on the tongue either. The absence of official rubrics does not mean
that there was no standard order of postures that people followed; on the
contrary, it assumes there was an order of postures handed down from tradition
that people understood and followed even without an official rubric, just as it
was in the case of the reception of Communion. Our task is to find out what
this order was, through the eyes of the experts on the traditional Roman
liturgy. To accomplish this I will rely primarily on the teaching of O’Connell,
Fortescue, and Reid, and to a lesser extent on the opinion of lesser-known but
equally competent authorities to prove the universality of O’Connell’s and
Fortescue’s teachings.