Happy Advent!
Some personal news : I took my vows in Italy on the vigil of Christ the King, I am know called dom. Noah. My wife gave birth to our son Jason on November 21 the feast of the presentation which also happens to be my birthday.
On Dec 5-8 Father Issac Relyea will be visting San Secondo d'Asti Catholic church and giving an advent mission. At 7pm every night their will be a tridentine mass followed by the mission and confession time. Father Isaac is a wonderful hellfire and brimstone preacher and I am looking forward to attending. If you would like to hear one of his missions on the internet follow this link http://www.audiosancto.org/categories/mission-2007.php/
Also, At 5:30pm on the Feast of the Immaculate conception we are having high Mass at the Pope John Paul II center. There is also a Tridentine mass at Guasti at 7pm.
Do not forget that we have Mass in the High Desert at Christ the Good Shepherd this month on December 11. Please come with your singing voice for some Advent hymns!
In the new year we will be working on some projects that will require volunteers. If anyone is interested in helping sing or setup for Solemn Vespers on the Feast of the St Micheal the Archangel please contact me. My plan is to prepare a practice CD in advance for those who wish to practice by themselves and cannot find the time to practice at my house.
Also we will be having another Una Voce meeting/party after the Christmas season. I was considering January the 7th, I will send out an agenda in advance. If you would like for there to be a specific item on the agenda please let me know.
May the Virgin Mary with her Loving Child Bless You!

Laus Tibi Christe,
dom. Noah Moerbeek, CPMO
Crucem sanctam subiit,
qui infernum confregit,
accinctus est potentia,
surrexit die tertia. Alleluia
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