Dear Faithful Servants of our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ,
This morning, we completed work on a brand new website that has more than
200 free Catholic Hymns (SATB choir scores) in addition to more than 200
free organ accompaniments for these hymns.
To freely access these scores, please visit:
If you don't want to download all those scores, you can also purchase a
beautiful bound book for just $11.00:
I realize we've had a lot of book releases lately. In the past month,
we've released four (4) collections with more than 200 pages each. Rather
than send you a whole bunch of URL links, the easiest way to view these
books might be to visit:
We are a very small non-profit company and would appreciate your help in
forwarding this information to anyone who might be interested. Thank you
so much for your generous support and prayers.
May Jesus Christ be praised by all forever.
Gratefully in Christ,
Jeffrey M. Ostrowski, President
Corpus Christi Watershed
The Vatican II Hymnal Website
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