I used to argue, years ago, that the Latin/Tridentine Mass/Extraordinary Form (EF) was superior to the Vernacular Mass/Novus Ordo/Ordinary Form (OF).
I still believe that, but now I make a distinction.
I made a video on this last year but suffice it to say:
1) The Mass, all validly offered Masses, in every Rite, is a participation in the one eternal Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross of Calvary.
2) The OF is a validly recognized, "form" or "rite" (depending on who you ask, Gamber and Davies would probably say rite, Benedict XVI would say form) of the Catholic Church.
3) The EF, of all degrees of solemnity, also offers the same eternal Sacrifice whether in Low form, or Solemn Pontifical form.
4) Therefore, the OF offers the same grace that the EF offers.
That's what I would call the "substance" of the Mass, to borrow from the doctrine on Transubstantiation.
The accidents of the Mass, which are the external ceremonials, art, music, architecture, vestments, etc. serve to accentuate the Mass, and varying degrees of their quality helps to dispose the Catholic to be able to receive more or less grace, depending on their subjective disposition.
That's the level, in my opinion, where more or less grace is accessed.
Further, a poorly disposed person attending a solemn Pontifical EF Mass probably accesses less grace than a properly disposed person attending a simple weekday OF Mass.
To put it simpler, grandma makes a delicious pie and says "come and get it".
Depending on your situation at the time, you may be inclined to take some or all of that pie. That's on you.
Don't overthink it!
The bottom line is the true Church says the OF is legit.
If you believe otherwise, well, you are basically a sedevacantist, and we should be debating that issue.

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