Thursday, January 24, 2013
Traditional Latin Mass After Walk for Life at Shrine of St.Francis
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Latin Mass Day of Recollection (Costa Mesa, CA)
Ever Sacred: The Extraordinary Form of the Mass
Saturday, January 26 th ,2013 9:00 am to 1:15 pm
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 1015 Baker Street Costa Mesa, CA
The Extraordinary Mass community of St. John's in Costa Mesa, in order to live out more fully the call to be a people "Gloriously Eucharistic and Eucharistically Glorious," is pleased to host this day of recollection for those devoted to the Traditional Mass, and also, for those who wish to learn more about the Traditional Mass.
9:00 am Conferences: The Holy Mass: Sacramental Re-presentation of Christ's Sacrifice on Calvary (adults) La Santa Misa: Sacrificio de Calvario (adultos) Singing the Ordinary (children)
10:00 am Brunch with Q&A on Summorum Pontificum (English/Spanish)
11:00 am Conferences: The Holy Mass: Our Happiness and Strength (adult) La Santa Misa: Nuestra Felicidad y Fuerza (adultos) Should I Sit, Stand, or Kneel? (children)
12:00 noon Solemn High Mass in Extraordinary Form
"Word made Flesh, by word he maketh, Very bread his Flesh to be …. Faith alone the true heart waketh, To behold the mystery." Saint Thomas Aquinas
Please RSVP to by January 22 nd .
New Latin Mass in Las Vegas, NV
We are pleased to announce that effective immediately, there will be a WEEKLY Latin Mass in the Extraordinary Form celebrated at St. Bridget Roman Catholic Church, 220 North 14th Street, Las Vegas, NV.
The Mass will be celebrated by priests of the diocese of Las Vegas. Mass time is Saturday evening at 7:00 PM; this Mass will satisfy your Sunday obligation.
- From Una Voce Southern Nevada
Monday, January 14, 2013
Music recording from Gene Halpin Requiem 1-12-2013 Halpin Family Choir Stephen Grimm Organist
Music recording from Gene Halpin Requiem 1-12-2013 Halpin Family Choir Stephen Grimm Organist Audio recording by Leo
Please download ASAP - link expires Saturday, January 19, 2013 I file - 82 megabytes
Adoramus Te Christe Agnus Dei Ave Maria - Victoria Father Hugh Barbour homily Gabriels Oboe, Alleluja - Morricone In Paradisum Locus Iste - Bruckner Lux Aeterna Lux Beatissima O Divine Redeemer - Gounod Pie Jesu - Webber Sanctus Sicut Cervus Spirit Seeking Light and Beauty
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Save the Cross at Mt. Rubidoux

My Fathers, Brothers and Friends,
If you were not aware the Giant Cross on top of Mt. Rubidoux is in threat of being taken down. There is an article with more information here . This Cross is only about 10 minutes from my House out here and can be seen from Miles around, even from the Sky.
The Cross among other things was erected by the Archdiocese of LA and dedicated to Blessed Father Serra. Please help save the Cross that Honors God in a time where he is dishonored, that blesses the surrounding land and upon those that cast their eyes upon the cross with devotion; to take it down would be an insult to the Divine Majesty and surly provoke Gods wrath against us.
Here is a link to a few fliers Filer 1, Filer 2 with information to hand out, or if possible get them put up in your Churchs bulletin board. We need to apply as much public pressure to the Council as possible.
Please pray that the Holy Cross be preserved unchanged. The Council makes its decision Tuesday January 22, and also it would also be helpful if you could write a letter, e-mail or give a phone call to the City Council of Riverside asking them to keep the cross, all of their contact information is here
If you wish to attend the council meeting or workshop (I will probably be going to the workshop) the details are found here
Thank you for your help, and May God reward you!
In the Cross is health, in the Cross is life, in the Cross is protection from enemies, in the Cross is heavenly sweetness, in the Cross strength of mind, in the Cross joy of the spirit, in the Cross the height of virtue, in the Cross perfection of holiness. There is no health of the soul, no hope of eternal life, save in the Cross. Take up therefore, thy cross and follow Jesus and thou shalt go into eternal life. He went before thee bearing His Cross and died for thee upon the Cross, that thou also mayest bear thy cross and mayest love to be crucified upon it. For if thou be dead with Him, thou shalt also live with Him, and if thou be a partaker of His sufferings thou shalt be also of His glory. The Imitation of Christ